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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Effects of damage to different lobes of the brain

I've been really busy with work this week and I don't have much time and sit down and write,so I'm going to post a video I saw this week.It's a more detailed description of the side effects of brain injury.It talks about how it effects each lobe of the brain.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

2012 Phoenix Hydrocephalus Walk

Last year was the first that I participated in anything that has to do with my condition,other than a couple one on one conversations with people who also have the condition.Everything else has always been online.Last year other than signing up,I ended up putting everything off because of how much I worked last spring and summer.The result was going up to Phoenix,and going to the walk alone.This year I'm planning ahead,I've already signed up 8 months ahead of time.In the next few weeks I'm gonna start working on getting a ride up there,and getting other people signed up.Also I'm gonna try to figure out new ways of raising money while still in Tucson,and also using the ways that I was raised money last year.I encourage others to find a hydrocephalus assoc walk if you live in the states.It's not only a great feeling being able to raise money,but it's also a great experience to go to the walk itself,and be around people who know deal with the same things that you do.

If you don't have hydrocephalus or even if you do and you don't have a walk in your area,I'm asking if you could donate if you can.I won't ask too much on my blog,maybe again later in the year.Thanks for reading.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

sleeping in general,from person experience..

I don't much about this subject when it comes in hydrocephalus is general.I know it may or may not have something to do with hydrocephalus.I haven't had a sleep study yet personally,but I know that some have a sleeping disorder but some can't find anything with it.Having sleep problems is common with people with hydrocephalus,but not everyone.It all just depends on the person.

Personally it's something I didn't consider having to do with the condition until I started meeting others with it,and we began to learn about what we have in common.When I was a little kid I didn't have any problems,or at least none that I remember.For me it's a problem that started at the start of puberty,which is a whole different story and a more personal one.During that time I was a sleep walker,and did it almost every night.That wen't on for several years but it came to a sudden stop my senior year.Since then I've had problems falling asleep,and then once I do unless I'm in "crash mode" I can't get to the last step of sleep.This causes me to move around me,as in more than anyone should.Also more lately I can be woken up easily,then I have alot of trouble getting back to sleep.Not being able to get back to sleep isn't really new,but I was the kind of kid who could sleep thru,including a couple drug busts only a couple apartments down :)

I plan on going in for a sleep study,but I'm not sure when yet.When I do that I'll write about it,and then about the results.Thanks for reading.