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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Drinking and Hydrocephalus Part 2 (Updated)

I certainly was drinking a lot still the last time I wrote about this subject, and I had periods of time where I was drinking way more again. I stopped drinking hard liquor for the last time in 2017 and MD 20/20 and other replacements soon after with the exception of malt liquor. I stopped drinking malt liquor in 2022, and then started drinking beer only in moderation soon after. I've only been drinking a max of 2 beers at a time, and I'm on my 3rd months long sober streak (Anywhere from 3 months to 10 months at a time). I plan on easing my way back to 3 or 4 max, and drinking mixed drinks in moderation and definitely only socially. But right now is definitely not the time. I didn't start drinking until 21, and I started over drinking right away, but I kept it once a month. But my drinking started to get worse when I started working at a restaurant near a lot of bars a year later. I was definitely at my worse when I was 30, but I realized I was living dangerously, and was able to cut out hard liquor and anything that was close enough, and stopped hanging out in bars (specifically at night). I'm aware that there's people (with Hydrocephalus) that's going to read my blog that can't slow down as much as I have (or quit if needed). But keep shunt issues in mind when you are. The "bum wines" like MD 20/20, and Night train are the worse in my experience for temporary messing with my shunt, hard liquor, draft beer, and canned/bottled beer last. I have very little experience with normal wine. If you decide to switch to another kind of alcohol in order to drink less, please make sure you test the waters to make sure it's not actually worse for you. Edit: I found out that I've left out some details out for anyone that either doesn't know me well, or are pretty new to my blog. I started having shunt malfunction symptoms in 2009. I've made some progress, but it's been mostly in the other direction. It's some of those symptoms that get worse when drinking MD 20/20 and hard liquor (when getting drunk too fast).

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Open letter (message) for a person who I've come across at least twice in 2013/14 and 2022.

First of all, there is someone who I've come across twice that I would really like him to contact me if he sees this blog post. I've seen you at least twice. The first time in 2013 or 2014, and the 2nd time in 2022. The first time at a Fry's Food Store location in Tucson, the second time in Scottsdale at an AirBnB in Scottsdale. The first time you either found me in my department (produce) or found me and needed help finding a specific kind of non-alcholic cider. You were young and I noticed that it at least appeared that you have hydrocephalus and cerebral palsy. I decided that it would be really wise not to mention it to you. The reason I noticed is because I have hydrocephalus myself and have a close friend with cerebral palsy who I happened to have multiple run ins with before formally meeting. I also am mentoring a family friend's Son who has both hydrocephalus and CP. I met him for the first time around the time I had my run in with you, and then I started mentoring him by request of his Mom in 2019. I won't talk about why I was in Scottsdale on a public forum due to someone I know using information against me. Some was posted on social media, some not. But I thought you were possibly someone else until I found the other person on Facebook, and realized it wasn't definitely not him that I saw. I started to think of people that would recogonize me that resemble the person who I saw, and you're the most likely canditate. I say this, and took the time to write this post because you looked at me like I looked familiar. I could be wrong due to the circumstances, but I do really hope it was you, and that you see this. For a better timeline I ran into you somewhere between March 2022 and November 2022. The first time would have been December 2013 or Janurary 2014. I also wrote a blog post about you at the time too. I also wanted to explain my absense without writing a blog post only about not writing, because I've done that too many times before. I've told at least one person that I'll committ to writing my blog, and not go past the year mark again. I've been really scatter brained, and any other topic I've written about will require research, which isn't an option right now do the certain circumstances.