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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Paraphrasing the Hydrocephalus Association's teacher's guide: Social and emotional issues (part 2)

I'm going to try to pick up the pace, but I've been very slowly going through the hydrocephalus association teacher's guide and paraphrasing it to save others from having to attempt to read the whole thing. I've going through the sections with what is least known instead of from front to back. I'm going to focus on social cues and skills. My last post from 5 months ago was based on depression and isolation.


Many Children (and Adults) with hydrocephalus may having learning problems, and that might include Nonverbal learning disability. One of the symptoms of NVD is the near inability to recognize verbal and nonverbal cues. This results in missing social cues like facial expressions, gestures, and tones of voice. That results in taking things like sarcasm literally that has to do with the tone of voice. If it's not explained it can be very hurtful if not explained. Problems with social cues is not limited to facial expressions and tones of voice though.


Other social problems that some children with hydrocephalus is being very talkative, but there conversations aren't very thorough and they may process information slower than normal, which might cause problems with their peers. This results in it being common for them to befriend children younger than them. 


The last thing is that they might have problems with distance and spatial issues, resulting in them either being too close or too far away. If they're too close it tends to result in the person wanting to get away from them right away, and if they're too far away eye contact is difficulty, which results in them getting ignored. All of this isn't limited children. But since I'm paraphrasing I don't want to get off topic doing more research at the moment, and I definitely don't want to assume things.


Hydrocephalus Association Teacher's Guide:

The first post in my series of posts:

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